Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Beginning

Late June I was introduced to Brian Wehner the owner of Fitness Together. Fitness Together is slightly different than other training gyms. Their philosophy is "1 Client 1 Trainer 1 Goal" ( What drew me to this place was two reasons 1 its very close to my work (which if any chubby girl knows its hard to drive to a place that's gonna make you work and sweat) I knew if I walked to McDonald's which shares the same parking lot as my job it would be like picking off a very bad not healed scab. 2 They work you out based on a fitness test that they give to you prior to kicking your ass. With these two perks and walking through the door and welcomed with a warm smile and the idea that "Amy yes you can!" I signed on the dotted line and committed myself to 6 months.
Brian sent me home with a little journal that I was to write down everything that went into my mouth. The only thing I got free and did not have to write was dried spices and gum. Neither of those were a problem nor what put this weight on. My struggle is juice or sweets. I assume carbs are a weakness too. But really I am not worried about my eating habits quite yet. Lets make small steps. I began each week with a goal a personal goal of my eating habits. For example my first week was cut out all juice from your life and only drink water. Which was hard if anybody knows me, I loved High C orange drink with the entire cup filled with ice. I wanted that juice COLD! Well now its a faint memory I haven't had any, none , it has been banished from my personal eating menu.
Day One of the Beginning: The fitness test. I knew I would struggle with this; both mentally and physically. I allowed a person to measure my body and weigh me. This was not for him to giggle at, this was so he could watch the progress. I am officially accounted for. Brian began taking my heart rate sitting down. Measuring my lung capacity and blood pressure. I was thinking my blood pressure was gonna be sky high with the thought of someone knowing the "real me" (sort of like does these jeans make you fat, NO you make the jeans fat). But on we go... were he makes me reach and bend. This little fitness test takes a good solid hour hour and a half. If I was Brian I would have just wrote down fat next to all the questions and answers and hide the paper from me. He was patient with me and did it all. Even if my body struggled and I was off the charts.
So Fitness Together has me on a workout schedule Monday Wednesday and Friday after work. I find I am better mentally and physically at night. Though books and specialist say its better in the morning. I personally whine and bitch and don't feel very strong in the morning. So asking Brian and fighting with the idea they say its better in the morning for me its better in the evening.
I had one little bump in the road at the beginning of this journey. I needed to fly to Boston for a funeral. I was torn I was very dedicated to making this work this time but my devotion to Eugene and his family I knew I had to support him and go to Boston. But that deep down chubby girl feeling I knew Boston didn't come with carrot sticks and a treadmill. For this was not my time, I was there for support him and his family. I went to Brian and explained my concerns and sort of freaked out on him. But he assured me I will do fine and make wise choices on eating and it will be fine. It was fine. I would never had done it different.
So let the workouts Begin! Either Brian or Rachel train me. Either one I truly enjoy. Each one comes with a different way to hold my hand and get me through this hour of training. Both I enjoy sharing smiles and jokes with. They have me doing ball squats and wood choppers. I have been told that my training is based on my fitness test and when they see me progress my reps or weights increase.

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