Sunday, October 18, 2009

Dawg Dash 5k

My cousin, Jo Laboff called me Friday and asked me to join her in the 24th annual Dawg Dash 5k. I was excited to spend time with her and knock out my 3rd race. I agree and pre-registered Friday for this Sunday October 18th race.
We met this morning, great weather...thank goodness it was not yesterday or it would have been a 5k swim. Jo and I got our shirts and our packets. This race was like my last one, we wore Ipico chip on our shoes. Which i enjoy this technology. I am not at the front of the line when the bell or gun goes off because I am not a fast runner but it starts when I cross the start line.
Before the race began I heard a man on the mic telling us to get into place based on how fast we each mile. He also says that the coarse is very challenging, which got my attention right away!
I crossed the start line, where I ran around half the Husky Stadium. I was excited to travel thru the campus. I was not anxious at all, very calm and free. I did not have a partner that was by my side, and wished that I grabbed my Itouch to jam along too. I So here I go. Done with the half the stadium and whipping along side I am wondering why this man said this is a challenging coarse seems so far so good. That's when I see it, and feel it, its a hill. The hills never stop not for a mile-mile and a half. and while I am fighting hills there is stairs too. What stairs?? And a side note, there is wet leaves all around this campus too. As I am adjusting to these hills I am thinking safety first. Take it slow, please Amy don't nose dive into the cement. This race had watering holes throughout the race which was nice. Even places for dogs to get water. This is where people hand you cups of water at pit stops. This race had a lot of different racers. This one had a lot of serious racers. They also had a 10k going on that went the same track we did, but had little side tracks to add the other 3 miles they had to endure, but we all started and finished at the same place.
I have to say the campus was a nice little jog after I got over the hills. We looped around to the fountain and such. I loved all the colors on the trees throughout the campus. What a nice looking school. I came to the finish line I wasn't tired, actually a little sad it came to an end so fast. I wasn't fatigue. I wasn't out of breath. I didn't fight my body nor did my body fight me. All around I really enjoyed this race.
After the race ended, I agreed to meet my cousin at a spot. We took pictures and shared our experience. Jo is a runner she is and looks amazing. She is 52 and she placed in her age!! We stayed for the awards, she was getting one! Jo has done this race before and was wearing a Dawg Dash t shirt from 2001, so they were asking people if they could show them a shirt from prior races, they would get a prize. Well Jo won that too!! She won a gift certificate to another race, the Gobble Green Lake. She gave it to me!! I was sooo happy and thankful for this. It was so cool watching her get the placement award. John Curly of Evening Magazine was giving out awards. She said she was going to place and she did it. I can't wait to someday place. What an amazing feeling!

1 comment:

  1. "Dawg Dash" and "Gooble Green Lake"?! I guess if you have to run, you might as well get to do it under the pretext of a funny sounding name!! :)
