of or pertaining to an average; estimated by average; forming an average
typical; common; ordinary
of or pertaining to an average; estimated by average; forming an average
typical; common; ordinary
I looked up this word in the English dictionary. I knew of the definition but with the facts I have learned I found the word "average" didn't seem correct. I struggle with the word average in two forms.
The first average I struggle with is the average "American" female is a size 14. Can that be right?? I am almost average?? When you put in my weight vs. my height I am far from being close to healthy. But how can I be average?
Studies have shown that asking woman that are a size 8 and a size 10 to try on the same bathing suit, the size 8 struggles with what they see and feel in that same bathing suit that the size 10 has tried on.
I think about this study often in my head, debating the ideas. Does the size 8 feel pressure they aren't close to being the average? Does the size 10 feel they are skinnier then the average size 14 so there is no pressure.
10 years ago the average size was 10. 10 years ago we didn't have reality shows like "Biggest Loser" and "Celebrity Fit Club"
The word average should be removed from the dictionary! There is no such thing as normal or average outside of the norms forced on us by society. Embrace individuality!