August 27, 2009. Eugene drove Larissa and I to Alki for our second run. We notice while driving there that the temperature was reading about 47 degrees. We still had an hour before the race but it was cold and sunny.
We got our packets from registration. This is like looking in my stocking during Christmas. In the manila envelope there was our bib number and a shoe "key" and directions on how to use and put this key on. This shoe key is amazing. You use zip ties to adhere it to the front on your laces of your shoe and it sends a message to a computer on when you started the race and when you will step over the finish line. Welcome to the twenty first century. This race was more organized and all more funded and recognized.
We began running a very nice and steady pace for a good distance. I was having different problems then I experienced from the last race. This one was it was cold and my body was warm. Which means when I was breathing in this nice cold air in my cozy warm body my lungs felt like they were breathing in ice cubes! Razor sharp. Getting used to that hurdle was not as bad as the second mile hurdle though. The path we took down the beach was all cement. So the second hurdle was the constant pounding on the knees while doing sprints of running. I could tell that we weren't running on that dirt path we got from the last race. Larissa and I both agreed to use the light post on the path as markings for were we would run and walk. Our timing was great and on goal to were we wanted to be. We did a loop around the bathhouse at Alki.
We were half way done with our 2 mile when I looked over to my left and saw people behind us walking the race. One lady inspired me. I looked over and shared a smile with her and gave her the look of encouragement, and to show that she meant that I cared about her I clapped giving her my support. She was being helped by a younger man as she walked this 5k. She appeared to be a survivor of breast cancer and had just finished up with treatments. Her shirt said this but she was bald too. They looked like they did fun flowers with makeup on her bald head. At that moment when we shared a smile and I clapped with encouragement I knew in my head this race was hers! By hers I mean, I used her for my last mile for encouragement. I pushed myself saying things like if she can go through treatment and do this then Amy you can do this with weight on. Many times I want to give up on myself but not only have I found strength from myself but many others. Look around you I bet you too can find strength. Its given me a total feeling of positive reinforcement that I know I can do this!!
We completed the last mile! Faster than the last race. We beat it by 4 minutes in one month. I feel good about this. The money that was raised goes to woman going through breast cancer treatment. Northwest Hope & Healing provides financial assistance to patients in need for non-medical support services, and signature "Healing Baskets" are delivered to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. Helping give patients hope during a very difficult time, is the main focus.
After crossing the finish line they had people there to cut those tag keys off your shoes, I guess there is no reason to keep them. Probably costly technology. The line to figure out what place you took was long, over 1000 racers that day. So we grabbed a water and headed out. I was in complete shock over how easily my body recovered from this race, no panic attacks. I wasn't panting like a dog when I crossed the finish line. Are the races getting easier? I know one thing not only are my lungs getting stronger but that woman I saw at the run taught me, you can find inner strength and achieve anything you want! So I want to race again!!