Monday, November 16, 2009

Lesson Learned

Today was my first day back at the gym, from taking 2 weeks off. The first week was a planned week of not working out in the gym, both my body and my trainer Brian from Fitness Together told me that I hit a wall and I needed some rest time. I agreed, though I did not want to I knew it was necessary.
Brian called me for the first week and made sure I was not working out. I have to admit I felt like I got so much stuff done, working out is like taking care of a dog. When I was not at work I was working out or eating healthy. I still ate healthy but this freed up some time to get some stuff done.
Now the second week was not planned for missing the gym. A few life bumps in the road and getting ready for a busy few month with work and holiday I just did not make it in to Fitness Together.
Its a weird cycle, even though the first week, I was told not to work out but eat healthy I did what I was told. Now the second week I was on my own, I tried to eat healthy, I did not get to the gym, this is where the cycle of becoming chubby can start again.
I do not know why I did not make time to work out on my own, other than I was so busy last week which is why I could not make it in Fitness Together. But I am kicking myself now.
I worked out this morning. I dreaded it, more than the first time walking in there. I was nervous. I knew I was lethargic and felt fat again. Like the last 3-4 month was nothing, all my hard work and I felt like it had gone down the drain with two weeks off. I struggled with my body not because I was tired and hit a brick wall, no I am strong, I struggled because I have not moved in two weeks (in the gym). WOW what an eye opener. I never want to go without getting into the gym again. Honestly I feel horrible physically. I almost wanted to cry because I thought I was a chubby girl again. It took alot to hold back the tears from giving myself 2 weeks off.
So that's it "Lesson Learned" I promise myself I will not do that again. I need to keep moving and keep pushing myself. I feel so much better after I work out, I was not as sore either. Which I will be tomorrow morning. Bummer I will be so sore on my 34 birthday. But I see light my 35th birthday I will be healthier! I was taught today from my trainer and my body that moving keeps the body and soul healthy.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

People ask me where I find my next race. Here is where I find most and where I register to the also: . I click on 5k and what state I want. is a great web site that has all different activities not just running. The other place I get my information is the local running stores in my area, Jock and Jill and Roadrunner. They bother have a bulletin board with local races. Then the third place I get my information going to the races, they have people there promoting their next race they are sponsoring. So there you go, I hope to see some of my followers there, Good Luck and have Fun being ACTIVE.